It costs $315 to form an LLC in Texas. This includes a $300 fee to file your Certificate of Formation and a $15 fee to file a Registered Agent Appointment and Consent form. There is no fee for submitting an Annual Report. However, there are some one-off additional fees you may encounter depending on how your company operates. See below for all you need to know about LLC costs Texas.
The main costs of forming and running an LLC in Texas are encountered during company formation. These are the fees you must pay to file your Certificate of Formation and Appointment and Consent form – $300 and $15 respectively. Other potential costs include Expedited Filing, Name Reservation, Texas Certificate of Status, Doing Business As, Foreign LLC, and Business Licenses.
- Certificate of Formation
- Appointment & Consent
- Expedited Filing
- Name Reservation
- Texas Certificate of Status
- Doing Business As
- Foreign LLC
- Business Licenses
Certificate of Formation
To form an LLC in the state of Texas you must submit a Certificate of Formation form to the Texas Secretary of State. This form captures all the information the authority needs to officially form an LLC. The form can be submitted online or by traditional mail.
A fee of $300 must be paid when filing the form. For more information on how to complete the Certificate of Formation and form a Texas LLC check out – How to Form an LLC in Texas.
Registered Agent Appointment & Consent
All Texas LLCs must appoint a Registered Agent. This is an individual or business that agrees to accept legal correspondence on behalf of the company. The agent must have a physical street address in Texas – not a post box.
The LLC cannot act as its own registered agent. To appoint a registered agent you must complete Form 401-A Appointment and Consent Form and submit it to the Texas Secretary of State along with a fee of $15. Non-profit LLCs can avail of a reduced fee of $5.
Expedited Filing
Expedited filing is an optional service if you want to bump your paperwork to the top of the queue for review. An expedited service moves your documents ahead of other documents received by the Secretary of State on that same day. It can be used to speed up the processing of business organization documents and the issuance of copies of certificates. The service costs $25 per document.
Name Reservation
If you identify a name you want to reserve for the formation of your LLC you can reserve it. A name reservation must be made using the Texas Secretary of State website and comes with a fee of $40. Names are reserved for a period of 120 days. Bear in mind there are strict rules on the names you can use for an LLC in Texas, see – Texas LLC Name Requirements.
Texas Certificate of Status
A Texas Certificate of Status is a document that shows your LLC is officially registered and in good standing with the Texas Secretary of State. You will need one to open a company bank account or apply for a business loan. A standard fee of $15 applies to the issuance of a Certificate of Status.
Doing Business As
A Doing Business As name allows you to operate a company using a name different from the name registered in the company Certificate of Formation. It is also known as a ‘DBA‘. It’s used for branding purposes and to pursue new opportunities when companies expand into new markets. A DBA application costs $25.
Foreign LLC
A foreign LLC is an LLC that is already registered in another state but needs to register in Texas to conduct business. To register as a foreign LLC you’ll have to pay a fee of $750. Certain businesses are exempt from registering as a foreign LLC such as businesses that enter Texas to conduct emergency-related work.
Business Licenses & Permits
Depending on the industry your company operates in and the location it is physically based you may need to apply for business licenses and permits. Business licenses and permits apply at the local, state, and federal level. You should reach out to your local, state, and federal authorities to determine the licenses and permits your company needs. For more information see LLC Business Licenses & Permits.
Texas LLC Resources
Texas Secretary of State
Business & Commercial Section
Secretary of State
P.O. Box 13697
Austin, TX 78711-3697
Phone: (512) 463-5555
Texas Secretary of State
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Jennifer Matheis – LLC Formation Specialist
Jennifer is our in-house LLC formation specialist. She is a graduate of the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan and holds a Master of Business Administration. Jennifer has worked as a business management consultant in an advisory role for many years.
Hailing from Buffalo New York, Jennifer is a firm believer in the ‘seize the day’ mantra. When she is not writing for My LLC Guide she is busy managing one of her many start-up ventures. She is a keen sports fan and regularly attends Madison Square Garden to support the New York Knicks.