Are High Security Checks Worth it?

close up of a high security check

Are High Security Business Checks Worth It? High security checks come with a range of additional security features that help protect your business from fraud and reputational damage. However, they also come with an additional cost. On average, a high security check costs $1.15 and a regular bank check costs just $0.15. Below we take a closer look at – is high security check paper worth it?

High Security Check Paper vs Regular Checks

Are you considering upgrading from regular to high security business checks? Need some more information on costs versus benefits? You’re in the right place. This article will give you a clear breakdown of the benefits you can expect from using high security check paper and the additional costs involved in switching over. Use the links below to quickly find the content you need.

What Are the Benefits of Using High Security Check Paper

High security checks contain a range of additional security features that make them much more difficult to alter or duplicate, compared to regular checks. And, protection against potential check fraud is the number one reason people choose to use high security checks. Other benefits include protection against reputational damage, a more professional image, and greater in-house control. Let’s take a closer look.

woman sitting at desk about to print a check using high security check paper

Advanced Security Features

High Security checks are designed to include a wide range of advanced security features that are not found in regular checks. The presence of these features makes it extremely difficult to alter or duplicate the check. Examples of the most common security features include complex holograms, watermarks, and microprinting. For more, check out Security Features of a High Security Check.

Fraud Protection

Check fraud is a prevalent problem around the world, especially in the United States. The New York Times recently reported that 680,000 cases of check fraud were reported in 2021. If your business uses checks to pay bills and you want to protect yourself from potential fraud – you should consider using high security checks.

Protection Against Reputational Damage

If your business becomes the victim of check fraud you not only suffer financial loss. There’s also reputational damage to be considered. If your company gets embroiled in a check fraud case it can damage public opinion. And, then there are legal fees to consider. Using high security checks minimizes the chances that your business will be targeted.

Professional Image

High security checks are a cheap and effective way of boosting your public image. They stand out from the crowd and deliver enhanced protection compared to regular checks. They are trusted better and people feel more confident and assured handling high security checks.

Greater Control

They also give you much greater control over your check printing operation. They can be printed in-house using a standard laser printer and some specialist software. No more having to order preprinted checks from a supplier. This increases efficiency and allows you to generate checks as they are needed, with no turnaround time.

For more, check out our full guide on the Pros & Cons of High Security Laser Checks.

Cost of High Security Checks – Are They Worth It?

What about costs? Is high security check paper worth it financially? High security checks are worth it for businesses and individuals that value the benefits they provide. They come at a higher cost compared to regular checks but deliver a greater level of security against potential fraud and reputational damage. Let’s take a look at the difference in cost between using high security laser checks and regular bank checks. First up – high security checks.

How Much Do High Security Checks Cost?

To gain an understanding of costs and for the purposes of comparison, we examined the cost of high security from 6 of the leading suppliers in the high security business check sector. We then calculated an average cost so we could compare it against the cost of regular bank checks.

workers standing in an office

However, the cost of high security laser checks varies greatly depending on the level and specific security features contained within the check. High-end security checks cost a lot more compared to checks with fewer security features. Other factors that influence price are volume ordered and customization features such as branding and company logo.

The most expensive high security checks that contained premium security features and allowed customization were retailing in the region of $197 for a box of 100 checks. And, checks with fewer security features and without customization come in at approximately $100 for 300 checks. That’s a big swing.

Ultimately, the price you pay for a high-security business check will depend on your individual needs and the level of customization you require. For the purposes of comparison, we will take a figure in the middle of this range – $1.15 per check. On average, a high security laser check costs $1.15 per check.


How Much Do Regular Checks Cost?

What about regular bank checks? How much do regular checks cost? Well, this depends on the bank you are doing business with. And, there is a large degree of variation across the industry in the United States.

writing a high security check

Other factors that influence the cost of bank checks are the volume ordered and customization options. Checks are often available at favorable rates when you order in bulk. And, if you want to customize the layout you will have to pay additional fees.

However, with this in mind, you can expect to pay between $15-$30 for a box of 100-200 checks. And, on average, that works out at $22.50 for 150 regular bank checks. Doing the math, we arrive at an average figure of just $0.15 per check.  Bargain.

Cost Comparison: High Security Checks vs Regular Checks

The average cost of a high security check is $1.15. And, the cost of a regular check is just $0.15. Therefore, you can expect to pay an additional $1.00 per check to switch over to high security check paper. Is it worth it? That comes down to your individual needs, budget, and how much you value the additional security features that come hand-in-hand with using high security checks.

  • High Security Check: $1.15 per check
  • Regular Check: $0.15 per check

Is high security check paper worth it? Ultimately, it comes down to the risk tolerance and personal preferences of the business or individual. Are you willing to pay an additional $1 per check to gain the benefits of a high security check? If your business is writing high-value checks, the additional cost may be insignificant compared to the benefits of protection against fraud and reputational damage.

What About Software, Printers & Toner?

Do high security business checks require special software, printers, or printing toner? You will need to install software to customize, print, and securely sign your checks. You can use a regular laser printer and regular toner. However, many businesses choose to use a special type of ink known as security ink. Let’s take a look.

man in an office working on his laptop


Most high security checks use software to print and securely sign the checks. This software allows you to customize the check, change colors, add branding, and a logo. The software is often supplied for free once you purchase checks from a supplier. Other services charge a once-off fee to get the software installed and set up. Typical fees range from $20-$25.


High security checks do not need a special printer. They can be printed using a standard laser printer. This is why they are often referred to as high security laser checks, ie: they use laser printing technology to create the check. If you have a regular laser printer in your office, you will not need to invest in an additional printer.


Laser checks can be printed using regular toner. However, as an additional layer of security, many businesses choose to use security ink. This is a special type of ink that adheres to the check and is very difficult to remove or alter. It also reacts to heat to flag any attempts to alter or remove it from the check surface.


About the Author

Jason Roth: Editor in Chief

Jason is editor in chief at My LLC Guide. He holds a wealth of business management experience and has been advising companies on business formation issues for many years. Jason specializes in resource planning management, staff utilization, and productivity consulting.

He has worked predominantly in the west coast area where he graduated from the Marshall Business School at the University of South California. When he’s not working in his business advisory role, Jason likes to climb on his Indian Scout motorbike and enjoy the open road.

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